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WOWco |

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Create Your Moment

We exist to create WOW moments

Today’s consumers are more tech-savvy than ever, and they expect the same when interacting with companies. With the growth of e-business, it becomes essential to maximise your investment in real estate by capitalising on your competitive edge, the daily foot traffic.

We know we need to create a digital experience, but how do we differentiate ourselves in a cluttered environment? How do we interrupt the buyer's path to purchase?

If standard digital displays capture 400% more views than static and create a 32% upswing in revenue, and 1 in 5 consumers make an impulsive purchase of something promoted digitally. It makes sense to throw shopfront digital into your multi-channel mix, so the question remains... How do you stand out from the crowd?

The answer is simple, create moments that capture the imagination.

We are excited to bring to the Australian market those WOW moments.

WOWco offers you:

  • Maximum Exposure
  • Increased Foot Traffic
  • Real Estate Value
  • Creativity
  • New Possibilities
One great moment

is what you need

Automotive Showroom Transparent LED

Automotive ShowroomWindows Media by WOWco

Decals were great but had their limitations and have run their course. Welcome to a new era of windows media for showrooms.

Snapshot WOWco

Creating WOW momentsWindows Media by WOWco

Stand out from the clutter and cut through the noise by creating WOW moments. Digital has a 52% recall rate

Retail Shopfront Transparent LED

Retail ShopfrontCase from abroad

Increased foot traffic is limited by your imagination, we are looking for retailers ready to lead by example.

Contact Us

Get in touch


Level 3, 2 Drewery Place
Melbourne, 3000

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